Gardai release new travel advice for Electric Picnic as 75,000 Stradbally bound (2024)



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Gardai release new travel advice for Electric Picnic as 75,000 Stradbally bound (3)


Gardai release new travel advice for Electric Picnic as 75,000 Stradbally bound (4)

Philip Downes


Gardai have released new travel advice for the 75,000 revellers set to head to Stradbally for Electric Picnic, as the festival returns this weekend.

Tens of thousands of people are set to head to Stradbally, Co Laois for the festival — headlined this year by acts such as Noah Kahan, Calvin Harris and Kylie Minogue — with people taking various methods of transportation to the festival.

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Ahead of the festival this week, gardaí have released their travel advisory for those travelling from all around the country, be it by car, camper van or by bus/coach — advising that they will be present on all routes to ensure disruption and diversions are kept to a minimum, and that Stradbally locals are able to travel with ease.

Gardai release new travel advice for Electric Picnic as 75,000 Stradbally bound (5)

While the festival doesn’t kick off officially until Friday, those who have early access tickets will be able to access the campsite from 4pm on Thursday (August 15). Those who are heading to Stradbally on Friday are advised to get there early — as the campsites can fill up quite quickly and traffic can get very heavy very quickly.

Gardaí have advised people travelling to also take public transport where possible — with Portlaoise being the closest train station to Stradbally. There will be a paid shuttle bus service operating from Portlaoise Train Station directly to the Pick-up/Drop-off area located just off the N80 on the Portlaoise side of Stradbally.

As well as the travel advice, Gardaí have said that a number of roads will be closed from Thursday to Monday:

  • The R427 Cork Road, Stradbally will be closed from midday on Thursday, August 15 to 4pm on Monday, August 19
  • The L3837 /Timahoe Road between Stradbally Village and Timogue Cross from midday on Thursday, August 15 to 4pm on Monday, August 19
  • Access to the section of the R427 from Vicarstown (Garrons Cross) to the N80, and the L3818 Rathmore Road from the Heath to the N80 will also be restricted at intervals from Thursday August 15 to Monday, August 19.
Gardai release new travel advice for Electric Picnic as 75,000 Stradbally bound (6)

Tow-away vehicles will also be in operation for the duration of the festival to remove any illegally parked vehicle and those causing obstruction.

For full travel information, including how to get to Electric Picnic if you’re driving a car, camper van/caravans, or if you’re taking private buses and coaches — as well as family camper vans and car parks can be found HERE.

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Elsewhere, Electric Picnic have finalised their 2024 lineups — with Irish rock legends the Saw Doctors among several new names being added to the lineup.

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Gardai release new travel advice for Electric Picnic as 75,000 Stradbally bound (2024)


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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.