Muscatine News-Tribune from Muscatine, Iowa (2024)

TJnitea Press Leased T7Iri The Weather Cloudy and Warm. ",1 cata The Best Paper for Any Borne DUMBER 20,270 TEN PAGES, JOWA. MONDAY EVjEisING. Jfc 191S THREE X3IINTS A OOEY, f-,. ASQUITH SEES GEmRNSmiDEARMY WALSH BITTER AGRUISJIOHU CEMETERY TAKEN BY TilE GERMANS MD FML IN PURPOSE GARRAIIZA GAINS PRESTIGE AGAIN AS ILIA SINKS GERflllY WOULD YIELD SHIPS TO UNITED STATES sent large reinforcements into Southern (Poland, and Mackensen's difficulties are 'increased because of the ibetter.cotmimuttioationa at the disposal -of the.

-The: (Slavs are wWihin easy reaoh of reserve imuni-tions. Ttere is evidence 'that the (Russian recovery was not expected, by the Ger-imans. Am effort is being onade to create the. impression that the fault lies the Austrlans whose troops are holing used almost exclusively for the final (drive through' (Eastern Galicla. This accusation is unjust.

The Ger-Vain (general staff is now responsible ior all the operations against Russia. it was (undoubtedly German strategic reasons that caused a division of the Teutonic. strength, after the re-capture of Leimlberg-. If Warsaw were now in peril ioocau'se of the dhances taken by (Mackensen, tlhe glory (would have been lUeumany's, The responsibility therefore for the actual confusion is equally 0R0ZC0 BAIL IS AHOUNTIS $7,500 (United Press Leased Wire.) Rl Paso, Texas, Miy 12 leneral Pasqtual (Oroaco's ($7,600 bond de-. clard fforfeltedi 'today Wtten' the forW er IHuerta general failed to appear at the (preliminary Ibefore United IStates (Camlmiissioner George (Oliver to answer to a lharge of vioflating meu-trallty.

'Fouir others wjavwd preUmi. nary hearing on the saime dharge and wero held under Brand to the federal grand lury wihichi meets' here on Oc tober 4. )0roaco'3 whereaibouts remain a (mastery. He lhas miot Jbeen seen since he esoaiped from Ms a week ago. jien Ms 'bondsmen, amid attorneys ex pected himi to aippear today and asked tor an extension of time, he FORFEITED TODAY BRITISH PUSH GERMANS BACK (United Press Leased Wire.) London, July Kitchener and Premier Asqulth witnessed the repulse -of a German counter attack against the British lines north ot Ypres on July 7, an "eyewitness" statement declared today.

From Ypres they weTe driven northward to the Belgian (front and conferred with King Albert. In a two days" tour along the battle front Lord Kitchener inspected practically the whole British expeditionary force and some units. i ASQUITH HOLDS STATE SECRETS NOT FOR PUBLIC (United Press Leased Wire.) London, July Asquith, in commons this afternoon, refused; to be drawn Into! a discussion of rumors of dissension in the cabinet or of a split between Lord Kitchener and General French over the ammunition ques: tipn. In reply to queries put by liberal members he declared that any public discussion of the conduct of the war "would serve no good purpose! at this time." Notwithstanding this statement, several members attempted to draw the premier. PUtn the controversy between: Minister of Munitions Uoyd George and Viscount fHaiaane; a close personal friend of Asquith, who, it was rumored, was to Jbe given a place i in the cabinet.

'The premier was asked pointedly if he agreed with Lloyd George's criticism of Haldane, con- i. 1 laujeq in an open letter tnat gave j-ise to reports of trouble in the coali tion cabinet. "I have nothing to add to my former statements," was his only Dr. Christopher Addison, liberal behalf of Woyd George, said that; the minister of mu JITLT, CI rn without further action by, parliament and that if ie needed more authority to handle the munitions' question would ask it of parliament Dr. Addison said 98,266 skilled workers had answered Lloyd George's appeal for; voluntary enrollment for duty in the munitions factories and that the munition situation is begin ning to show improvement NIGHT SESSIONS TO HURRY TRIAL :0F.IARRYI (United Press Leased Wire.) New; truly ISt TO expedite the sanity trial of 'Harry K.

Thaw, a session will be ield tonight. The question of TlhaW'S sanity probolbly iwill ibo (put in the jury's hands Tuesday nilght, counsel said at the opening, of the trial Today's sessions (Were to Ibe gilveni over. to the reading of Evelyn. Tbejw's testimony at previous trjate amd the examination of the tates' aUenists. Thaw ihas lost of his jaunty air of confidence, he was a little (pifued at not being allowed to leave the.

ILudloiw street jail over the week end. 'lBut 111 be aMe to listen to all the naic I want before this week is ended," he ald tougbingily, as the session began. --i CLAIM si HAW was '-tadlpoaed." The rmoneluZl' iTJr of trench ORDERLY OCCUPATION OF CAPITAL AND GENERAL 'AMNESTY ORDER IMPRESSES THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. VILLA LOSING HIS HOLD IS BELIEVED General Indications Are That Soldier Leader It Short of Funds Zapata, i However, Is Defiant. (United Press Leased Wire.) Washington, July 18.

General Carranza' was thought here today to stand a very fair chance of American recognition. ('''Two "if 8" were involved: It must; appear that the Oarranzista caoture of Mexico dtv really was a significant 'victory, This eihg the case, Carranza must act wisely, establishing a stable provK sional and taking steps toward: a speedy and genuine national election tor the establishment of a permanent constitutional regime. Actual official news of the Mexican capital's capttfre by the Carranzlstas but the news was unofficially authenticated that no one doubted it Make Good Start, was pointed out that the city was in Oarranzista hands once (before, however, and then passed into those of Zapatistas. Officials want to be sure that the present occupation will last. If it "does last, they said, especially if General Villa's northern campaign.

Droves to be as badly disorganized reports indicate, Carranza seems likely to occupy a position of such strategic advantage as to entitle him to the recognition has ao long AH aoeounts seemed to show that the Carranzistas were making a good in Mexico City. They are said bridges Into the city from Vera Cruz and preparing to rush food supplies in' as possible. Preliminary steps "had been taken toward efficient temporary warnings had been, issued against looting and. had assured of On the whole, the was regarded as more hopeful than in many months. Confirm Victory.

The Carrahea agency, received, tie course of the forenoon, a Vera iltus dispatdvconfiiimlng reports' of a luarranza nwfty-over tttue Viliiistas at (Agues (Details'; were ino- oiientarlly expected of the Canraarcts- as" oocupatfon ot (Mfextco At agewy St was no-Hews wihatever ha4 arrived, WfiBUington; July llVIt looks like uarranaa," was thB general pers on -a mexicaa suuajon today. tofortl-oacipliife in Mexico. City was ot as-definite as tnt government woulffTiave liked. It was (accepted as a tfact, that the Car ranzistas had. -bocupled the capital, Tlat there would have been rumors of It if, foreigners had suffered, was also believed.

Official news was, lacking, Howeyer. The state department looked for consular advices soon. CarramsiBtas Washington said General De it was stated, had been dispatched from "Vera Cruz to assume the governorship the federal jflistrict. was an efficient, vig- orou administrator and might be relied oh to keep or restore order, feed -people tlnd protect foreign lives anS property. Third Capture.

The Villistaa. still professed doubt of the 'Zapatista evacuation rantt Car-jfanzlsta the capital, At any-rate, ihey possession of the citywas matter no importance and. even. If the Carranza forces had taken they would find it hard holdas witness its -eapjyare by itrpnl General Obragon once before. -A i military experts agreed on these two points the city's strategic importance and the rifflculty of defending It.

'-rf' Villa In Bad Way. Despite the. conflicting reports It has been toe growing belief here fr soma, time that Villa is in a bad way. Aside from' the disorganization believed to exist' in his ranks, from mill-: J- ROCKEFELLER SUGGESTS THAT -CONGRESS. SUMMON WEALTHY" MAN AND' FORCE' I'M ''to 'answer' INDUSTRIAL RE LA- TIONS (United Press Leased Wire.) Cbiicago, July SPemand that congress.

siuaiDmon; Johp D. JtooketfeUer, before its ar to compel biin to answer questions of the industrial relations commission, or be ent to jail, and1 charge that JJohn R. Law- son 1wa) radlroaded to a sentence by a corrupt -court" were 'made hy UhaiTimanFranik F. Walsh, of the com-miflslon. jresterdaiy.

(He wa one of the speakers at a'. ttrfg Jaibor protest rally ititre. "John 'Rockefeller, and iMac-i 'kenzi his employe and saldtfWalh, today, in openefi-1 ance of the government of the iStates. Roeltefeiler point blank to answer 4y federal industrial relations commission. King also refused point blank to testify at the investigation into the Colorado mrine JOur has.

-oweri curiously enough, to comlpei attendance of witnesses. It 9ias not power to punish them, lor jcon- twnpt. iLi. "Is comgress -tiie (representative of the people or the sovereign ipeople of this or are its imemlbdraHhe tools and blrellngs of industrial, over- 'Lf congress 3s the representative of the people its first oh reassembling will be to cite Rockefeller and his (hired man, King, to its and compel them to lanawer llhe coanmiesion's cfuestionB or to jalL "Fort (John JX JRockefeller, only the (most smbMrae pity. On his seienty-slxth birthday he the fe-uarid! aihont homeland strengthen ed ithe (barhed iwlre entanglement? 1 about his estate." "John Lawson," continued Walsh, "was raHroaded to prison for life by.

a corrupt court, hot for the murder of a mine guard, but for putting the Indus trial relation on the trail of the Rockefeller misrule in Colorado and for denouncing i it" Ht his. state ments given before the -commission in Denver and New York. VThe greatest service thai could be rendered industrial freedom In this country woUld be to print In a pamphlet, John R. Lawson's statements glv en ibefoke the industrial relations com- mtsolon in New York and Denver; to print upon the of that pamph let, 'These are the crimes for which John R. Lawson was.

sentenced to lite imprisonment, and to-put a in every home in America." WILSON SOUNDS Press Leased Wire.) Windsor, July Wilson Is sounding public opinion In America over the latest German reply, He is reading excerpts from editorial comments and personal letters addressed to him at Washington and forwarded here, and (before tiis confer ence with. Secretary of State Lansing hopes to have an accurate idea of the sentiment the country. The president planned to telephone to Washington at noon and It was prabable he would make known his de cision, regarding the conference this afternoon, fie is understood to oppose Lansing's trip to Cornish at this "but the feeling In Washington is reported that the president's hasty re turn to the capital might be miscon strued. For this reason, Secretary Lansing and other officials favor a conference here; THE SOUTHWEST LIMITED LANDS III DITCH TODAY (United Press Leased Wire.) Kansas City, July entire Milwaukee Southwest Limited, from "Chicago was derailed at' Chuia, this anorning due to a washbut -No one was reported Jaijured. The steel passenger cars" remained upright The ChlHicothe local is (bringing in the passengers from the derated train.

PUBLIC OPINION lililtiotE IN RUSH ATTACK FRENCH DRIVEN PROM STRONG HOLD ENGLISH WORKS IN LORETTE HILLSCAPTURED AND DESTROYED. OTHER ADVANCES HOWEVER HALTED French Declare Desperate "Laby- rinth" Attacks of the Germans Are Repulsed With Heavy Losses. BULLETIN. London, July 12. General Botha, commander of the South Afrtean forces that conquered tiemsn Southwest Africa, today cabled In response tt Lord Kitchener's message of conflratulattoTis: hope that soon many of men here will take their share In the greater task In Europe," BULLETIN.

Geneva, July 12-Seven thou--, sand Auetrians have surrendered, to the Italian armies since the be-ginnlng' of the war according to iadvices. received (United Press Leased Wire.) i Berlin, i-tVia to London, July of the Souchez cem etery and the destruction Of important English works in Lorette Hills by terrific bombardment was Teported In this afternoon's war office The war office also claimed the -capture of more than two miles of Russian, trenches along the Suwalkl-Kal-varia front The Souchez cemetery was captured after a bloody struggle lasting several tiAitun Amnl irlAAitlnnil fV turn 1 1- a portion and: forced to surrender, the Germails making 155 prisoners. Along the Mense heights and in the Champagne region, the French made several unsuccessful attacks at first penetrating the German trenches, but eventually being thrown" wit with heavy losses. 1 "At Amerzweller, northwest of Alt-klrch, we surprised the enemy and captured live hundred yards of trenches," said the official statement. "(Alter making these works of no further use for defensive purposes, we retired to our former positions." -i Defeat.

Paris, July 12. A furious German night attack south in which the enemy used, thousands ot asphyxiating 'bombs forced the French to.evacUate the Souchez cemetery and portions of adjoining trenches, the war office admitted this afternoon. The first attack by the Germans failed. The French responded to the German charge with a bayonet counter attack that swept the Teutons back npon their own While the enemy was re-forming for his second attack the French works were heavily shelled. A large part of the projectiles gave off asphyxiating gases that hung over the cemetery In Jaxalm night and rendered the French positions untenable.

The French traopft therefore withdrew -to- post-tlons in the rear, from Which" they shelled the enemy with great effectiveness. Attempt Recapture. Kor forty-eight hours the Germans attacks thus far haveen ft-nltl "A violent -cannonade Is proceeding about the Quennevleres farm (south said The this communique. enemy'B bombardment-, of Saul -was followed, by several attacks, which were repulsed." a GERMAN WIGES PLEA-SEIIJEIiCE IS HOW (United Press Leased Wire.) New iZTGustava, Stahl. German reservist, indicted for perjury because he swore he saw guns mounted on the Lualtanla, today withdrew his plea of.

in the federal court He entered three pleas In abatement of the indictment Stahl was returned to the Tombs. DELAYED BY J. T. 'MASON. (Written for the 'United-Press) NW' JYorik, auly 1.2V-Xhe" Germans been for the time (being in their to reaclh JWa'rsaw froro tho -von (Mackensen has comDmltted the frequent Slav er.

ior trying to do too once and GftPman strategy in the. east again is falUing J.o (cjrush thie IRusalans by a decisive defeat. )Untll the of iLemlberg the Teu tonic forces in Galicla, were concentrated vpon a single (Offensive, the re covery of the lost Aiustroffiiungarlan province. But aifter the Slavs evacu vled iliemberg, Maokenseri divided his (armies. He sent one command eastward to drive the (Russians out of tie rest of Galicla, while 1 he himself moved to the north into Poland and started for.

Warsaw. fJVom iVaat imo- 4meut, the Teontons began to meet ivvith diffioulties. The (Russians have undoubtedly Till PLATE MILL III FULL FORCE (United Leased Wire.) Gary, Ind. July 12. Gary experienc ed a re-awakenlng today when the American Sheet compa ny's mills here, the largest sheet mills in the world, began operating full blast.

Plres were lighted in the remaining seventy co*ke ovens and (full, speed ahead was ordered, for the first, time In two years. Ten thousand tons ot coal every day will pour into the co*ke ovens to -come out co*ke and its by products. With this show of industry on the part of the mills that made Gary, long period of depression was ended, Gary's idle returned to work and Gary's merchants (became 100 per cent optimistic. the plant going full speed, "it. meant that eight (blast two open hearth furnaces, 5 60 co*ke ovens, the rail, axle and all rolling mills were working full capacity.

Gary's idle filled the places, leaving little opportunity for outside labor. T0 WEST IS BELIEF (United Press Leased" Wire.) Petrpgrad, duly The lAaistro- Germans ihave 4)egun wdthdraiwlng t'XKtm fromi the line east and south east of Lemberg, General ivanoff re-iportedi to the war office today. The of the enemy forces thai (httve iefttlhe Bug and Zlota ILlpa sec-' tlons is not known, but it Is believed ibere they are to be used! either in a iow drive against Warsaw or upon the iFrancoJFlahders front (Genenal von' Onsingen apparently las ended his offensive movement In Galicda. The Russian commander re ported' that von Linslngen is entrench-J dng along the vweet auk of the ZoU yLiipa and iias vade no serious attempt to force a crossing. The Genmans apparently bave alban-idomed their offensive along the river Btg.

Between the ug and "Vistula the enemy has imade a fewr weak 'attack but the only dashes of any to-iportance in the' past 24 frours have been nortlh and north west of Warsaw! RUSSIANS VIEW SEPARATE PEACE (United Press Leased Wire.) New July li Indications that the British censor will not permit the caJMlng reports that Russia is tiring of the war and may make a separate peace; was contained in maii ad-vces to the United Tress fromi Berlin today. the faill of emberg, the Berlin (bureau of the United (Press sent to The Hague for cable transmission via (London, a brief story dealing iwith the possible future developments. mail copy of this cable, received from Berlin, today, I When compared, vdtih the' oable as re ceived here, showed that the British censor had deleted certain important sections. GARY BEGINS GERMANS AGAIN IN FAVOR MAYBE SUGGESTS THAT INTERNED PAS- SENGER VESSELS BE USED BY UNITED STATES TO SAFEGUARD NEUTRALS. AMERICANS MUST MAKE THE BEQUEST Official Washington Silent on Plans of the United states in Rejoindef Wilson Is Active.

BY CARL W. ACKERMAN. (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Berlin. Via The, Hague. July is willing to make further concessions to safeguard American travelers in the "war zone," the foreign office informed me today.

She will not abandon her submarine policy, but she will consent to placing several great German liners under the American flag for the remainder of the war, in addition to grantlngimmunity from submarine; attacks to four English liners, as proposed in her latest note to Washington. The suggestion was made lhat the big Hamburg-American liners -tor and Kaiserin Auguste Victoriarand the North German Lloyd liner George Washington be placed at the disposal of the American government for transporting neutrals through" the zone of submarine operations. 4 1- "Of course. you understand this matter would, rest with the ship's said Foreign. Secretary Zimmerman, "but Germany would be willing to place at the service of American travelers her largest liners if the American government 'cares to suggest it.

If America desires to place them under the American flag we shall certainly agree." Neutral Gennan, it -was intimated at; the fbrelgn'; office, is willing to run over these interned passenger ships without financial gain and with neutral crews, from the captain down. chief reason that Americans desire to travel aboard-English liners, it was pointed out, probably is bet ter accommodations can be secured In the majority of cases. Should the Ger man liners be operated under the American Sag. neutral passengers could travel aboard fast, luxurious ships in the knowledge that Ahey safe from submarine attack; Furthermore, it was pointed- out, the sailing sched ules would not be interrupted as has beeh the case with liners, because the ships were commandeered by the government for use as. trans- ports.

The English View. In official circles here, regret was expressed today that the l. English translation of the iGerman reply not exactly Interpret the spirit of the German text The general opinion was that the German' original fwas more friendly in tone than the trans lation to America. Under Secretary Z'mmerman com: mented particularly on the translation of that sentence which In the English version was made to read as follows "The Imperial government cherjshei the definite hope that fome( way will be found when Is or perhaps earlier, to regulate the law of maritime in a mr.nner guaran teeing freedom of the seas and will welobrtie -it with gratitude and satis. faction, if It can work in hand with the American ON THAT OCCASION." "To That Effect." The last three in the English 5 (Continued, oa.

Page sources that there has (been any vio with heavy losses. -Excepting pqr- adic attacks on (the Turklslt rtght and intermittent bombardment by the al- uediWaranipa tnere -nas oeen no acuv- ity at the Dardanelles. The Turkish official report that battletihlp of the Lord Nelson type bomtfarded the Turkish forts, con flicts with stories coming from Con stantlnople. and Berlin several weeks 'ago that tooth the Lord Nelson and the jdestroyed. These are the only two vessels of the Lord Nelson type in the British navy.

tihem Jif teen antoutes to (produce Drozco and then forfeited the (bond IMIarcelo Caraveo, Hose C. Zoseaya and like amd IFranlk (Alderetea in return (for waiving the preliminary, hearing, Lohlained a reduction In their Ivonds iiiut were eMl unable to produce the required (ball early today. i Generail Hhierta, detained, was still camfortaihly enjoying the hospitality of iFort Bliss at awaiting the report of the federal grand jury I which will meet In 'San Antonio next December. It was because El' iPaso liked him too well that Ceneral IHuerta was re-raoved to 'Fort JusHce 'xlepart-iment officials tactioly admitted today. IMost of Northern IMexfco's foreign mining, cattle and other (big interests Ihave El JPaso headquarters" It -was' These-interests were de clared generally favorable to 'fstrong arm" Mexican methods and.

to deem Wuerta the man to tandle them. i DENVER POLICE IN TROUBLE fQR 'FALSE' ARREi? (United Press Leased Wire.) Penver, July 12. A request to "make good" the blunder of Police vomuiibbiouer lMsuei ior laiseiy ar-inave continued their attempt to re-resting Fred A of Des Moines the "Labyrinth" southeast; on a charge of burglary was made to-jfTeuville. They are' attacking with day on the city commissioners by his i hand-grenades and bombs. All thnlr i wj i i attorney.

Young Martin's father.u- perintendeht of. the beef department of the Des Moines Packing company, inreaiens to sue ior raise arrest, ine, of Arras) and around Neuvron" Ax 1 i BATTLESHIP DAMAGED United Press -Leased Wire. JVia Berlin WlrelessJlent fighting on Galllpoll peninsula, nly. 12.t-A battleship of the since the last attempt by the Anglo-Lord Nelson type was heavily shelled French near Krlthia was beaten Jack innocent youw was Kepi in sixiy-iwo aays, inereuy losing a position and salary. He was offered freedom if he "confessed," and- was forced to pay 35 cents for decent meals in the Jail while, he alleged, the warden also collected the, per capita allowance for feeding prisoners.

ANTI-MUNITION SOCIETY GROWS (United Presi Leased Wire.) Amsterdam, July' 12. Women in Germany have issued an appeal the women of America to urge their husbands to Insist -on the prohibition of exports of arms and ammunition to the allies, according to a Berlin dispatch today. by Turkish forts near Gaba Tepe ssat urday ailght. and forced to. withdraw, It was officially today Sev erai of the TirrKlsh projecmes expioa ed over the warship's decs' and are "be- lieved' to have done considerable dam age.

The enemy battleship, accompanied j. Gaba Tepe at sunset and opened fire, on the Turklaih works, hurling at least twV hundred' shells but doing no dam iarv ntarMnninf thoro havt hpon slp.M four torpedo boats, appeared off cumulating evidences that he lacks funds. V-' If, Carranza now takes steps toward a restpratlonof federal, it is the Concensus of opinion that the, 'Washington administration age to the forts. The Turkish casual-'Agamemnon, two of the largest Brit-ties consisted of one man killed and'lBh (battleships at the strait, had' been two 'wounded, Official dispatches received here to day discredited reports from enemy (Continued on Page. Two.).

Muscatine News-Tribune from Muscatine, Iowa (2024)


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