Daily Mercury from Mackay, Queensland, Australia (2024)

NOVEMBER 20, 1947. THE DAILY MERCURY PAGE THREE Something New this Christmas! Gillette is a gift that talks sense and satisfac. tion. This year there's Gillette satisfy every preference and suit When you give Gillette you give razor set designed and built with the superb craftsman. ship which has made Gillette world-famous.

No. balanced 15. Gillette's one-piece a perfectly famous razor, Rhodium-plated, packed in handsome velvet-lined nickel-plated case, with 10 Blue Gillette Blades in plated sheath. No. 77.

Gillette Razor, 2 blade holders with 3 Blue Gillette blades, complete in a neat modern moulded case with decorative domed lid, in walnut colour. These are tico of the handsome range of Gillette Razor sets priced from to Gillette tte 'Good Mornings' begin with Gillette Cigarette AN Papers GUMMED FINE RICE PAPERS PATENT CUT CORN AUTOMOTIVE PARTS SERVICE! Genuine Automotive Parts are essential to the smooth running of your engine, after repair and essential, too, to the life of those parts and your motor. MAKE SURE YOU GET ONLY GENUINE SPARE PARTS No matter whether or not the year model of your car is too old to remember GIVE US A CALL. If a genuine Part is to-day available we can supply it usually out of our large stock on hand. The Largest Outside Brisbane.

FOR GENUINE SERVICERing or Call MICHELMORE'S MOTOR SPARE PARTS CHASELEY HOUSE, SYDNEY MACKAY Phones 380 and 481. ACENTS SKF BEARINGS. CERELEAN Whole Wheat PORRIDGE There's wealth of -building good. ness In delleto us LEAN the whole of the goodness of the wheat grain. Thanks to mkliful preparation, not one ticle of the grain's highly nutritious content 1a lost.

Each and every spoonful containa Ito modaure of those valuable properties which nourish, energine and ourtain. Your grocer should sell CERELEAN Try parket. CERELEAN EAN Manufactured by CLIFFORD LOVE COMPANY LTD. 73 f'inrence Street, Sydney Sailing (By "SHEETHAND') Spectators on the launch Esmarelda a lively sailing race last Sunday afternoon. From a scratch Atom, Scamp and Spook crossed the line well with Moggie and Imp down to leeward for also doing well.

Atom led half the first punch with Sun Ray close at hand. Imp worked to windward of the fleet and B.T. headed Scamp, as Sun Ray took command. Furious Too was at the rounding had caught moving smartly at this stage and Scamp. Sun Ray rounded the buoy incorrectly and had to make the pile again.

Soon after she ran aground and was passed by five or six others before gettirig under way, Atom again led the fleet as they ran home under shy spinnakers with Imp, B.T., Furious Too, Melody and Scamp in close company. The shy appeared narrowed to suit Scamp and she down her rival's lead considerably. River tactics in the final stages placed her right amongst when the leading boats. Melody, round with Sun Ray and Scamp close at hand, fouled the buoy, but continued to race. The north easterly breeze freshened considerably during the second windward punch, and Sun Ray moved through the fleet ahead to round the pile 15 seconds of Atom.

Scamp lost ground in the early stages but heavier conditions helped her to regain her position, and she rounded close behind B.T. The order at the pile was Sun Ray, Atom, Imp, B.T., Scamp and Melody, all in close company, followed by Spook, Viking and Furious Too together with Moggie well back, Melody capsized early on the run home. Atom and Imp decided against using A spinnaker, Scamp. again excelling caught under and shy passed B.T. and the Imp in spinnaker pressure, quick succession, and set after Atom.

Scamp moved into second place but could not close the gap between her and Sun Ray who won by a minute. Sun Ray had sailed well throughout and would fleet have had been it further ahead of the not been for bad luck in the early stages. Scamp was the best of the trainees, though rather patchy in her B.T. windward sailed work. Special mention to by W.

Heel and M. Beattie. These lads put on a grand show to record a third from a scratch start. They set their spinnaker it when older skippers thought unwise, and sailed throughout with distinction. Handicap adjustment gave Spook, which finished seventh, second and her first win, with Viking B.T.

third. Spook's performance was her best yet. She finished within four minutes of Scamp, the back marker. SARINA RIFLE CLUB (By "Spotting The result of the teams' shoot on Sunday was very gratifying. The club is now in a very favor.

able position for both the Michelmore and Mulherin Shields. The No. 1 team increased its lead to 22 points and the No. 2 team is in more favorable position with 42 points in front. In both cases the Marian Club is in the runner-up position.

The final round will be fired next May on the Marian range and will be looked forward to with a great deal of interest. On Sunday when the teams went to the mounds the weather looked disturbing; the flags were swinging both ways and rain was threatening. Jack Langdon, the No. 1 team's coach, was watching every move as Porter and Shaller got their shots away in the first batch down at 500 yards. Although conditions eased slightly for the second batch, rain started to fall when the third batch went down.

Again Captain P. M'Cowan, although not in the team, was on the job and wisely had W. Hill and L. Edmunds, two grand team shots. who were able to handle the situation and score 47 and 45 respectively.

At 600 yards the conditions steadied down and the team put on a score of 303, which is an average of 50.5 per man, eclipsing their own score of 296 put on at the Mackay range in the first round. The No. 2 team, very ably coached by Guy Nicholson, put up a really good performance in such conditions. Tommy Palmer, that great little marksman, top scored with 92, closely followed by Roy M'Fadzen 91, the consistent Tup S. Place 89, Jim M'Bryde and Warrener 88 and 84 respectively.

Bill Nicholson, one of the club's new and youngest members, who stepped into the team when Les Dowse and Tom M'Knight were not available, performed favor. ably: although he scored only 78 he knuckled down and averted what could have been a "crash." Good coaching was again a big factor and meant a lot of points to both teams. The visiting teams from the Diggers' Club, although many of them were on the range for the first time, showed some very good individual efforts. Harry Grendon top scored with 94, and Les Kidd. the man who came second in the North Queensland King's some years ago, recorded a 91 with a unlucky finish.

In the Diggers' No. 2 team an effort well worthy of mention was a 92 with a 51 finish put on by G. Knyvett. The shoot had just concluded when heavy rain commenced to tall and A thunder storm broke over the district. Next Sunday the club will conduct its monthly limit.

which will also be the second stage for the J. A. Johnstone trophy. A team of tyros will also be selected to shoot against Marian on December 7. TENNIS PICNIC The Mackay North Tennis Club held its annual basket picnic on Sunday About 40 members and triends travelled by truck and private cars to Bucasia and the outing proved an outstanding success.

A dip in the was first 011 the program and after lunch novelty events were run off. These provided seen interest to numerous onlookers as well as competitors, particularly the teams event. Tunnel ball was won by Mrs. Miller's team by half a run gained by her first runner and maintained with difficulty throughout. Two mixed teams took part in the tug o' war, Mrs.

Walz's team defeating Mrs. Goldston's team after strenuous and sustained effort lasting four minutes. The sack race required three heats and a final to decide the winner. R. would Craig, with long jumps which have done credit to A wallaby eventually proved the winner.

Other event winners were; Throwing the broom: Miss Vi Webster She also proved she could aim straignt as well 15 throw far by taking the throwing at the wicket as well. A three-legged race, mixed, was won by Mr and Mrs. G. Wardrop The latter partnered by H. Phillips also proved too good for the men.

The wheelbarrow race was won by Mrs Miller and R. Craig. Mrs. Goldston showed the ladies how to eat the treacle bun and C. Wardron won the same event for the men.

Alan Sam cleaned up his in the minor boys' event. Experiences on the return trip home, through the storm, failed 10 the enjoyable day exDerienced. MACKAY VIGORO A GRADE BATTING A. Whitton (Tivolt) (Swifts) 15 J. N.

Smith O'May (Regents) 15 BOWLING. Sanders (Suburbs) 13-21 D. Menzies (Regents) 10-15 J. O'May (Tivoll) 9-19 Gorrie (Rovers) 8-20 L. Tilbrook (Rovers) 9-20 GRADE BATTING V.

C. Dodgson Murphy (Sub. (Sub. 3) 3) M. Rodgers (Rovers) Benbow (Sub.

2) not out 34 BOWLING J. Smith (Sub. 2) 7-10 M. Craig O'Loughlin (Magpie 2) 11-27 9-37 S. Jabore co*ckings (Sub.

1) 11-36 M. 14-37 M. Enfantie (Wanderers) 9-37 B. Moore Bryan (Magpie (Penneys) 11-36 11-18 'Mercury' v. Magpies B2 Won by 'Mercury' by I wicket and 6 runs.

Arst innings. M. Craig 2, B. Zemek 5, E. M'Bride 0, G.

Moy 2, M. Bennett 0, J. M'Bryde 9, H. Ischenko 6, C. Howard 14, J.

Longair 0, E. Chopping 4, M. Rosier 0, S. Morton not out byes, total, 49. Bowling: T.

Bragg, P. Ruckman, M' M. Loughlin. M. 'Culloch, second innings.

M. Craig 2, B. Zemek 6, E. M'Bride 2. G.

Moy 2, M. Bennett 2, H. Ischenko 0, J. M'Bride 3, C. Howard 3, M.

Roster not out 8, S. Morton 1, J. Longair byes, total, 35. Bowling: M. O'Loughlin, P.

Ruckman, T. Bragg, Magpie B2, first innings. M. Goldston 6, P. Ruckman 0, O'Loughlin 1, A.

Clements 1, T. Bragg 2, M. M'Culloch 0, B. Gallant 0, M. Bradford 2, L.

O'Brien 7. S. Hartley 0, C. M'Nicol not out 1, D. Kyle byes, total, 25.

Bowling: M. Bennett, M. Craig. (including hat trick), Magpie B2, second innings. M.

M'Culloch 0, L. O'Brien 0, C. M'Nicol 0, B. Gallant 0, A. Clements 13, P.

Ruckman 8, M. BradO ford Loughiin 12, M. 3, S. Goldston M. Hartley Bragg 0, D.

Kyle not out byes, 13; total, 53. Bowling: M. Craig, M. Bennett, B. Zemek, Magpies B1 v.

Glenella Won by Magpies B1 by 6 wickets and 11 runs. Magpies B1, first innings. -B. Bryan 0, D. Bryan 1, M.

Stott 0, G. Laird 2, J. Garner 5, B. Stott 2, T. Laird 7, M.

Wagner 1, M. Laird 0, D. Pitkin 0, E. Wagner 1, B. Cole byes, total, 20.

Bowling: J. Harvison, Brinkworth, M. Hodgetts, M. Hamilton, Magpies B2, -second innings. M.

Stott 6, B. Stott 2, J. Garner 0, G. Laird 0, T. Laird not out 11, B.

Bryan 13; byes, total, 35. Bowling: J. Brinkworth, J. Harvison, M. Hodgetts, M.

Hamilton, Glenella, first innings. J. Harvison 0, J. Brinkworth 2, M. M' 'Masters 4, N.

Hamilton 1. A. Hodgetts J. Landells C. Barnes not out 1, J.

Hamilton 0, D. Landells 4. E. Jamieson 0, J. Cooke 0, V.

Harvison byes, total, 16. Bowling: D. Bryan, J. Garner. Glenella, second innings.

J. Hodgetts Harvison 0, 12, C. J. M'Masters Brinkworth 0, 0, J. Landells N.

Hamilton 2, A. Barnes 0, J. Hamilton E. Jamieson D. Landells 5.

J. Cooke 2, V. Harvison not out total, 28. Bowling: J. Garner, D.

Bryan, Wanderers v. Penneys Won by Wanderers by 5 wickets and 18 runs. Wanderers, first innings. R. Marchette 6, E.

Enfantie M. Enfantie 1, P. Rowlands 0. D. Rowlands 4, E.

Hermann 11, P. Work 3, F. Norman 1, R. Molinas 0, G. Jones 1, G.

Young 0, Ev. Enfantie byes. total, 31. Bowling: B. Moore, N.

Neil, Wanderers, second innings. R. Marchette not out 15, E. Enfantie 0, M. Enfantie 20, P.

Rowlands 3, D. Rowlands 14, E. Hermann 2, P. Work 0, F. Norman 6, R.

Molinas not out 2: byes, total, 70. Bowling: B. Moore, H. Eklund, N. Nell, Penneys, first -F.

Sigvart 1, M. Saunders 3, N. Nell 8, E. Olive 12, H. Eklund 0, E.

Smith 7, J. Gerkew 1, B. Moore 1, B. Menzies 2. J.

Stewart 0, P. Leigh 1, B. Nash total, 37. Bowling: E. Hermann, M.

Enfantie, Penneys, second innings. P. Leigh 3, M. Saunders 1, N. Neil E.

Olive 0, H. Eklund 0, B. Menzies 0, J. Stewart 0, B. Moore 0, B.

Nash 4, E. Smith 0, J. Gerkew 1, F. Sigvart 2: total, 15. Bowling: E.

Hermann, M. Enfantie, Suburbs B3 v. Rovers Won by Rovers by 5 wickets and runs. Suburbs B3, first innings. C.

Dodgson 6, V. Murphy 21, A. Gill 0, G. M'Gill M. co*ckson ings 1, M.

Norman Eastgate 1. P. Dodg0, I. not out 5, M. Patterson 0, D.

Heilbron 2, D. Eastgate 1, J. Williamson byes, 3: total, 45. Bowling: M. Jabore, M.

Rodgers, 4 21. Suburbs B3, second innings. M. Patterson 3, I. Norman 2.

J. Williamson 0, J. Baxter 0, D. Eastgate 3. M.

co*ckings 1, C. Dodgson 24, D. Heilbron 0, G. M'Gill 3. P.

Dodgson 1, V. Murphy 8, M. Eastgate bye, total, 46. Bowling: M. Jabore, S.

Carvolth. M. Rodgers, Rovers, first G. Sharpley 2. D.

Keenan 5, J. Burley 6, S. Carvolth 0. B. Burley 8.

M. Rodgers 10. M. Jabore 0, E. Dunkley not out 9, V.

Ringuet 0, J. Jabore 1. H. Cooling bye. total.

42. Bowling: V. Murphy, G. M'Gill. M.

Eastgate. M. Patterson, Rovers. second innings. M.

Rodgers 26. E. Dunkley 5. B. Bur.

ley 7. J. Burley 0. D. Keenan 13, to G.

Sharpley not out 3: byes, total. 53. as Bowling: V. Murphy, 1 24; G. M'Gill.

2 20: M. Patterson. 1 M. co*ckings, 0 7. Suburbs 1 v.

Marsh and Webster Won by Marsh and Webster by 13 runs. Suburbs 1. first innings, M. Ewers 0, L. Dougan 0, E.

Becker 5, S. co*ckings 5, L. M'Conachie 10, B. MacKinnon 3, C. Nunn 1, S.

Bradford 6, G. Hine 2, L. Thomasson 0. R. Goldston 1, M.

Cummings byes, 6: total, 39. Bowling: I. Cowan. 0 6: J. Johnson, 5 16: E.

Henricks 2 11. Suburbs 1, second innings -M. Ewers 6. L. Dougan 3.

E. Becker 0. 5. co*ckings 0, B. MacKinnon 1.

L. R. Goldston Conuchie 1, 1, M. S. Cummings Bradford L.

Thomasson 1. C. Nunn 1. G. Hine 1: bye, total, 25.

Bowling: J. Johnson, 1 11; E. Henricks, Marsh and Webster, first Johnson 5. Henricks 11. I.

Cowan 0, S. Slivonen 2, Y. Phillips 0, J. Penny 3. F.

Murray 9, E. Laws 2, Caldwell 2. B. Fox 3, J. Farrell 0, J.

Townson not out 6: byes. 3: total. 46. Bowling: B. MacKinnon.

1 co*ckings, 7 25: M. Ewers, 0 3: R. Goldston. 0 7. Marsh and Webster, Innings.

Johnson 0. E. Henrieks 1. 1. Cowan 3, S.

Slivonen 4. Y. Phillips 2, J. Penny 5, Fox 1, L. 10, J.

Farrell not out 0. J. Townson 0. E. Laws 2.

F. Murray 0: byes, total, 31. Bowling: B. MacKinnon, S. co*ckings, C.

Nunn, S. Suburbs 4 v. S. Suburbs 2 Won by Southern Suburbs 2 by 69 runs. Southern Suburbs first innG.

Howell 11, J. Howell 3, P. Fahy 1, D. Boyle 0, I. Bowkett 0.

R. M'Culloch 1, D. Williamson Wright 4, M. Lawler 0, E. Welsh 0, R.

Seawright 0, A. Milton byes, 9: total, 46. Bowling: J. Smith, J. Jorgensen, J.

Benbow, D. Elborne. Stoneham, Southern Suburbs second Howell 0, Bowkett 4, J. Howell 0, D. Williamson 0, P.

Fahy 0, R. M'Culloch 1, P. Wright 0. D. Boyle 4, A.

Milton 1, R. Seawright 0, M. Lawler 0, E. Welsh 0: byes, 4: total, 14. Bowling: J.

Jorgensen, J. Smith, Southern Suburbs 2, first -D. Stoneham 12, G. Grendon 2, J. Jorgensen 1, J.

Benbow 3, K. Hairs 0, D. Elborne 0, J. Smith 5, C. Bryson 1, J.

Woodrow 10, N. Azzalline F. Schaper 1, B. Williamson 2: total, 41. Bowling: J.

Bowkett, P. Wright, P. Fahy, R. M'Culloch, Southern Suburbs 2. second Stoneham 11, J.

Woodrow 1. Grendon 1, J. Jorgensen 9. K. Hairs 3, M.

Azzalline 0. C. Bryson 2. Benbow not out 34. J.

Smith 6, D. Elborne 13, F. Schaper 1, B. Williamson byes, 4: total, 88. M'Culloch, Bowling: M.

I. Bowkett, P. Fahy, G. Boyle, SWIFTS ROVERS Won by Rovers by 8 wickets and 5 runs. Swifts, Arst Whitten 1, N.

Byrne 1, M. Gray 1, I. Shinn 4, M. Gilbar 0, A. Lewis 3.

E. Hoffman 2 not out, Whitten 0, 8. Ryan 0, T. 0, M. Buchanan 0, H.

Jaques 0, byes 3, total 15. Bowling: J. Gorrie L. Tillbrook Swifts, second Whitten 0, N. Byrne 0, M.

Gray 0, I. Shinn M. Gilbar A. Lewis 1, E. Hoffman 2, A.

Whitten 15, S. Ryan 0. T. M'Minn 8, M. Buchanan H.

Jaques 2 not out, byes 3, total 36. Bowling: J. Gorrie L. Tillbrook J. Van de Velde Rovers, first innings.

M. Rooney 2, P. Ongheen 0, K. Sturgeon 0, J. Van de Velde 3, M.

Wright 8, J. Gorrie 6, L. Tillbrook 7 not out, T. Deguara 3, Goggin 1, H. Gorrie 0.

R. Van de Velde 0. byes 3, total 28. Bowling: E. Hoffman N.

Byrne Rovers. second Rooney 8 not out, P. Ongheen 5. K. Sturgeon 1, J.

Van de Velde 12 not out, byes 2, total 28. Bowling: N. Byrne E. Hoffman A. Whitten M.

Grey MAGPIE TIVOLI Won by Tivoli by 4 wickets and 3 runs. Magpie, first Hartley 1, D. Wilson 6. H. Hill 0, R.

Lowther 0 1. Geeves 0, B. Frost 1, B. Porter 6, E. Lockie 10, P.

Lockie 3 not out, J. Blackwell 1, A. Laird 0, J. Sherrington 0, byes total 33. I Bowling: M.

O'May Clark D. Byatt Connell Magpie, second Hartley 7. D. Wilson 0, H. Hill 3.

R. Lowther 4, I. Geeves 1, B. Frost 5, B. Porter 1, E.

Lockie 6, P. Lockie 0, J. Blackwell 3 not out, A. Laird 1, J. Sherrington 0.

byes 2, total 33. Bowling: J. O'May M. Clark Tivoli, first Spratt 3, J. Spratt 23, D.

Byatt 0, D. Dinte 5, E. Hastings 1, G. Battams 8. M.

Clarke 5 T. Wardrop 3, R. Connell E. Downs 0, C. Spratt out, K.

Green 1, byes 2, total 54. Bowling: D. Wilson B. Hartley J. Sherrington B.

Porter Tivoli, second Spratt 0, D. Byatt 0, D. Dinte 1, E. Hastings 5 not out, G. Battams 0, J.

O'May 2, T. Wardrop 1, R. Connell 5 not out, total 15. Bowling: D. Wilson B.

Hartley SUBURBS REGENTS Won by Regents by 11 runs. Suburbs, first Milton 0, P. Maher 0, D. Watson 2, R. Clark 0, E.

Atherton 2, D. Berrigan 1, B. Roberts M. M'Clure 2. D.

Bartlett 1, D. Sanders 3 not out, J. Wright 1, I. Watters 1, byes total 21. Bowling: N.

Smith J. Menzies E. Stevens Suburbs second son 0, R. Clark 2. D.

Sanders 0, Milton 4, P. Maher 0, D. WatE. Atherton 2. D.

Berrigan 2, B. Roberts 1, M. M'Clure 2, D. Bartlett 2, Wright 0. I.

Watters 1 not out, byes 5, total 21. Bowling: N. Smith J. Menzies H. Beale E.

Stevens Regents, first innings. S. Long 0. J. Smith 3, E.

Stevens 0, I. Stephens 8 not out, N. Smith 0, I. Gard 0. B.

Kennedy 4, J. Menzies 0, T. Zaglas 0. M. Mighell 0, H.

Beale 0, byes 1. total 16. Bowling: P. Maher D. Sanders Regents, second Long 1, B.

Kennedy 1. J. Smith 1, I. Stephens 3, T. Zaglas 0, N.

Smith 15, E. Stevens 9 not out, I. 1. Gard 0, H. Beale 3, J.

Menzies M. Mighell 1, byes 1, total 36. Bowling: P. Maher D. Sanders 8 15.

D. Berrigan Milton FIXTURES FOR- SATURDAY A-grade, Common: 3. Rovers Suburbs Humphries and Powell; 4. Magpies Swifts, Gunning and Stafford. North Side: 1, Regents Tivoli.

Lawn. B-grade at Common: 1. Suburbs I. Suburbs II. Hansen and Van de Velde: 2.

Wanderers Magpies II, Roberts and C. Jenning; 5, Mercury Suburbs IV. Lockie and Jenson; 6, Penneys Suburbs III, Phail and Herman. At North Side: 2. Glenella Rovers, Tillbrook: 3, Marsh and Webster Magpies I.

L. Hockens. Glenella team: A. Barnes, J. Harvison, C.

Masters, I. Smith, E. Jamieson. V. Harvison, J.

Finnigan. J. Landells, M. Martin, P. Finnigan, D.

Landells, J. Brinkworth Reserves: N. Hamilton, J. Hamilton. J.

Cooke. Swifts team: N. Byrne. Devlin, M. Single, Gray, E.

Hoffman, F. Lewis, M. Gilbar, A. Whitten, S. Ryan, D.

Whitten, I. Chinn. L. Guthrie, T. M'Minn, M.

Buchanan, H. Jaques. Rovers team: B. Burley, J. Burley, H.

Cooling, S. Carvolth, O. Ringuet, M. Rodgers, J. Selvers, G.

Sharpley, P. Newton, M. Jabore, D. Keenan, E. Dunkley.

Suburbs (2) team: D. Dougan, J. Jorgensen. J. Benbow.

J. Woodrow. J. Smith, G. Grendon, D.

Stoneham. C. Bryson, K. Hairs, N. Azzollini, B.

Jones, D. Elborne. Reserves: B. Williamson, Schator. F.

Sargent. Southern Suburbs B3 team: C. Dodgson. M. Eastgate, J.

Baxter, G. M' Gill, A. Gill. V. Murphy.

M. Patterson. A. Hague, D. East.

gate, J. Williamson. D. Heilbron, M. co*ckines.

Reserves: P. DodgSOn. Norman. Magpies B1 team: J. Garnet.

G. land. T. Laird, E. Laird.

M. I nird, F. Weener, Weener D. Ervau, P. Bryan, Gi.

Shep. M. Siott. Reserves: M. Bedford.

D. Pikin, B. Cole. Magpies B2 team will be selec- PREMIERS READY FOR BANK FIGHT MELBOURNE. Wednesday.

-A plan of campaign against nationalisation will be discussed at next Monday's conference of the Premiers of the three non-Labor States, Victoria. South Australia and West Australia. This was stated to-night by the Victorian Premier (Mr. Hollway). He said both the South Australian Premier (Mr.

Playford) and the West Australian (Mr. M'Larty) had accepted his invitation to confer in Melbourne on Monday morning. He was confident that the conference would result in immediate effective action by three States to fight bank nationalisation. Mr. Hollway said he would like to see a block of southern States formed for the constitutional and legal battle against not only the banking plan, but also the Commonwealth's socialistic proposals.

The Monday conference would discuss advisability of a separate referendum in each State to give the people an opportunity of expressing their opinion on bank nationalisation. FIVE DAYS A WEEK Not Five-Day Week BRISBANE, Wednesday. The Industrial Court to-day reserved its decision on applications for a five-day week for employees in cafes, restaurants, clubs and boarding houses. Mr. H.

Boland, for the AWU, said the union was not seeking nive-day week for cafes. What It was seeking was that employees should work five days a week and have two days -not necessarily two consecutive days. The Court's president (Mr. Justice Matthews) said people sometimes had the mistaken idea that industry existed for the benefit of employees, whereas the contrary was the case. Employees were entitled to everything that could be done for them, but one must be fair to the public, he said.

In the case of the Hotel and Club Employees' Award for the south-eastern division, the parties agreed to a working week of five days. PEDIGREE HITCH Sale of Shannon Cancelled NEW YORK, November 18- The United Press Los Angeles correspondent says Harry Curland to-day announced that a deal for him to buy Shannon had been cancelled because of the discovery of a flaw in the horse's pedigree. Curland said he and W. J. Smith, who bought Shannon at an auction for 87,000 dollars, cancelled the purchase by mutual agreement after the New York Jockey Club had said it discovered the faulty pedigree.

He said he would go to New York soon with a supply of Australian stud books in an effort to clear up the papers and make it possible for Shannon to be bred from and raced in the United States. Curland's deal to buy Shannon from Smith was made while Shan. non was en route to the United States. Curland was reported to have paid 100,000 dollars. Meanwhile Shannon will remain at Bay Meadows, where he Is -being trained by Willie Molter for the Santa Anita Handicap.

AMATEUR BOXING AT MIRANI Patrons of the fistic art were given an excellent night's entertainment at the amateur boxing tournament held at Mirani on Tuesday night. Besides nine fights the program included a wrestling match and a fine display of gymnastics by Mr. J. Tillbrook and his pupils. Mr.

Jules Sies refereed the bouts and Mr. Bill Larking was official time keeper. Mr. Ted Wells WAS announcer. The fights were of three two-minute rounds and the finals will "be held on a date to be fixed.

large crowd watched the fights, including many townspeople. About 40 travelled to Mirani by special bus from town and many local boxers made the trip. The wrestling match was of two five-minute rounds and resulted in a draw. The contestants were Ron Horner and Ted Wells and they gave 8 spirited display of mat work. Mr.

Jim Tillbrook and his pupils concluded the program with a display on the parallel bars. The work of these youngsters was well received by the audience. BOXING RESULTS Barry Hansen (5.5) won on points from Alex Mooney (5.0); D. Palmer defeated A. Bragg (5.0) on points; J.

Bowling (3 10) drew with L. Barnett (3.8): P. Jensen (4.12) won on points from G. Muntz (4.10): F. Cowley (9.12) defeated V.

Rogers (9.10) on points: J. Walker (11,2) beat F. Hope (10.10) on points; B. Nichol (10.9) won on points from J. Reid (12.01; E.

Bloomer 18.4) drew with J. Edwards (8.3): and B. Larking (7.7) fought Brant 18.7). Both these boys will appear in the finals. BOWLS MACKAY CLUB The following players will present Mackay Club City Club in pennants on Saturday: City green Reid.

E. Petersen, W. Guthrie F. Mussett, H. Lemberg, T.

Deane, Andrew, F. Lehfeldt. J. Gillan, J. Macdonald.

H. Froyland. C. Waghorn. Mackay green: C.

Zunker. A. Gesler, R. Dickson, F. Guthrie.

C. Bowen, F. Stevens. C. Easy, Cawte.

J. Manning. R. M'Allister, E. Brock, F.

Winzar. QUARANTINE LIFTED SALEM (New Hampshire). November 86-day quarantine that kept 900 racehorses Aned to the Rockingham Park course as the result of an outbreak of swamp fever there, WAS lifted to-day, The disease, which is a form of anaemia. is nearly always fatal and caused the destruction of 44 valuable horses. ted from: M.

Goldston. N. Boardman. M. O'Loughlin, M.

Porter, M. Bradford, P. Ruckman, A. Clements, T. Bragg, H.

Richardson, M. M' Cullock. L. O'Brien. S.

Hartley. C. Nichol. B. Gallant, D.

Kyle. Magpies A team: E. Lockie, D. Neilson, H. Hill, Hartley, Porter, P.

Lockie, B. Frost, J. Cowley, J. Blackwell, H. Crouch, I.

Geeves, R. Lowther. J. Sher. rington, A.

Laird. Regents team: Smith, J. Smith D. Stevens, E. Stevens, 00 Long.

H. Gard, M. Mighell J. Menzies, H. Cooper, B.

Kennedy. T. Zughs. Emer. E.

Bray. COOL, SMART HEADWEAR FOR SUMMER! LOVELY WHITE BRAIDED CHAPEAU. With Navy and White Striped Ribbon bunched on one side. Masses of White Veiling give crisp finish. Priced at Each.

HENDERSON MODEL. In new style. Front of brim folded well back off the face and finished with Navy Blue bunched Petersham Ribbon. Brim wide at sides and narrow at back. In only.

Priced at MAIDS' HATS. In a Bonnet shape with good head fittings. In all gay colours: Amber, Red, Emerald, Saxe and Navy. Priced at Each. SAILOR SHAPE.

With high crown, with medium brim and tailored trim. In all fashionable shades: Gold, Blue, Pink, White, Fawn. Priced at OFF-THE-FACE BONNET SHAPE. Small curved brim, trimmed with White Petersham Ribbon and Veiling. Something the teenager will like.

Priced at SAILOR SHAPE FOR THE MATRON. In natural chip straw. Trimmed with contrasting Ribbon and Veiling. Medium size. Priced at LEGHORN STRAWS.

In natural shade. Large brim. Trimmed with Field Flowers and Velvet Ribbon. The newest fitted crowns give that comfortable feeling. They are a fashion must this season 1 Prices to Each.

NATURAL SHADE OF STRAW. With good head fitting and medium brim. Natural Petersham shade of Ribbon makes unusual trim, and Field Flowers give bright finish. This is a Henderson model. Priced at SOMETHING FOR THE LASS WHO FAVOURS A PRETTY AND DAINTY MODEL.

Blue Straw that sits well back with a trail of flowers across front. Double Crinoline brim gives halo effect. Priced at NATURAL SHADE OF PANAMA. With contrasting Ribbon trim. Sports shape.

Priced at WHITE STRAW BOBBY HAT. Trimmed with Brown Petersham Ribbon and finished with tails at side. This hat ideal with suits and for casual wear. Priced at WHITE PEARL STRAW. In smart boater shape with band and large Check Bow at side.

Priced at CHIP STRAW IN BONNET SHAPE. Trimmed with Ribbon and Veiling. Shades: Dusty Pink, Amber and White. Priced at LAMBERTS Ltd. ECONOMIC STORES MOTOR TOURS Travel in luxury coach, airway adjustable seats, hostess, descriptive broadcast and radio EUNGELLA RANGE Very beautiful jungle and palm groves.

All day Wednesday. Sunday, 8.30 a.m. CITY SIGHTS Halt day. Every Tuesday 9.31 a.m.; Fridays, 2.30 p.m. cludes Gardens, Harbour and Suburbs.

FARLEIGH-EIMEO BEACH Halt day round tour through canefelds. Tuesdays and Satur. days. p.m. Tea at Eimeo extra).

RANGE Delightful half day, via Sarina Mondays, 2 p.m.; Fridays, 9 a.m. PLEYSTOWE SUGAR MILL Inspection of Queensland's most attractive sugar mill. Tuesday and Thursday nights Depart 7.30 p.m.: return 9.30 p.m. Reservations with Government Tourist Bureau or Ian Wood's Travel Service. River Gravel, Soil, Ashes, Sandy Loam and Sand Fillings carted cheap.

Reduced prices for big quantities. Material delivered at short notice. Cement work catered for. W. DALTON 74 Goldsmith Street, Phone 876.


Box 52. Telephones: 74, 285 and 934..

Daily Mercury from Mackay, Queensland, Australia (2024)


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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

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Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.